Publications list
- Photosynthesis and protective mechanisms during ageing in transgenic tobacco leaves with over-expressed cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase and thus lowered cytokinin content PHOTOSYNTHETICA 44 599-605 2006
- Phytoremediation of explosives in toxic wastes Twardowska I., Allen H.E., Haggblom M.H. (eds.), NATO Science series, Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences - Soil and Water Pollution Monitoring, Protection and Remediation 69 455-465 2006
- PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux SCIENCE 312 [5775] 914-918 2006
- PIN proteins perform a rate-limiting function in cellular auxin efflux SCIENCE 312 914-918 2006
- Ploidy and genome composition of Musa germplasm at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 5 1224-1232 2006
- Pollen development, a genetic and transcriptomic view Plant Cell Monographs vol. 3 The Pollen Tube. 15-45 2006
- Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells BIOORGANIC AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY 14 [3] 875-884 2006
- PRINS on plant chromosomes In: Pellestor, F. (ed.): PRINS and In Situ PCR Protocols. Humana Press Inc., New Jersey. 133-140 2006
- Probing cytokinin homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana by constitutively overexpressing two forms of the maize cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 1 gene PLANT SCIENCE 171 [1] 114-122 2006
- Production of Polyclonal Antiobies to a Recombinant Potato Mop-top Virus Non-structural Triple Gene Block Protein l JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY Phytopathologische Zeitschrift 154 422-427 2006
- Progress in understanding the sources, deposition and above-ground fate of trichloroacetic acid ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 13 276-286 2006
- Protective cytokinin action switches to damaging during senescence of detached wheat leaves in continuous light PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 126 [2] 257-267 2006
- Quantification of cDNA generated by reverse transcription of total RNA provides a simple alternative tool for quantitative RT-PCR normalization BIOTECHNIQUES 41 156+ 2006
- Radioisotopes in environmental research: recent achievments and possibilities in the studies of the role of chlorine in forest ecosystems In Biogeochemical cycles– chlorine in the forest ecosystem. 2006
- Regenerative Capacity of Cacti Schlumbergera and Rhipsalidopsis in Relation to Endogenous Phytohormones, Cytokinin Oxidase/Dehydrogenase, and Peroxidase Activities JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 25 [1] 79-88 2006
- Role of phytohormones in organogenic ability of elm multiplicated shoots. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 5 8-14 2006
- Shoot growth processes, assessed by bud development types, reflect Norway spruce vitality and sink prioritization FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 225 [1-3] 337-348 2006
- Silenka obecná z kraje pod Budčí In Budeč 1100 let. II. Příroda - krajina - člověk. Kováry : Občanské sdružení Budeč 109-112 2006
- Soluble and cell wall-bound phenolics and lignin in Ascocalyx abietina infected Norway spruces. PLANT SCIENCE 170 563-570 2006
- Some New Routes for the Preparation of 3-Amino-2-phenyl-4(1H)-quinolinones from Anthranilamides JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 71 [2] 819-822 2006