Publications list
- Effect of biotic stress caused by Potato virus Y on photosynthesis in ipt transgenic and control Nicotiana tabacum L. PLANT SCIENCE 171 607-616 2006
- Effects of abscisic acid or benzyladenine on pigment contents, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chloroplast ultrastructure during water stress and after rehydration PHOTOSYNTHETICA 44 606-614 2006
- Effects of neighbourhood structure and tussock dynamics on genet demography of Festuca rubra in a mountain meadow JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY 94 66-76 2006
- Efficiency of different methods of extraction and purification of cytokinins PHYTOCHEMISTRY 67 [11] 1151-1159 2006
- Electric current affects the rate of development in isolated apical parts of rape in vitro BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 50 [3] 465-468 2006
- Electrical and chemical signals involved in short-term systemic photosynthetic responses of tobacco plants to local burning PLANTA 225 235-244 2006
- Endogenous cytokinins in shoots of Aloe polyphylla cultured in vitro in relation to hyperhydricity, exogenous cytokinins and gelling agents PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 50 [2-3] 219-230 2006
- Exogenous supply of glutamine and active cytokinin to the roots reduces NO3 uptake rates in poplar PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 29 [7] 1284-1297 2006
- Flow cytometric and microscopic analysis of the effect of tannic acid on plant nuclei and estimation of DNA content ANNALS OF BOTANY 98 515-527 2006
- Gamma-Tubulin is Essential for Acentrosomal Microtubule Nucleation and Coordination of Late Mitotic Events in PLANT CELL 18 [5] 1199-1212 2006
- Generalization of DNA microarray dispersion properties: microarray equivalent of t-distribution Biology Direct 1:27 2006
- Genome constitution and evolution in Lolium X Festuca hybrid cultivars (Festulolium) THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 113 731-742 2006
- Identification of microspore-active promoters that allow targeted manipulation of gene expression at early stages of microgametogenesis in Arabidopsis BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 6(1) 31 2006
- Ilustrace a obrazové přílohy - Cytogenetika, genové inženýrství In Biologie pro gymnázia. Nakladatelství Olomouc 0-557 2006
- In vitro anti-microbial activity of extracts from the callus cultures of some Nigella species BIOLOGIA 61 [3] 285-288 2006
- Induktory a elicitory systémově získané rezistence řepky olejky vůči Leptosphaeria In Sborník abstraktů z XVII. české a slovenské konference o ochraně rostlin. ČZU : Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze 277-278 2006
- Influence of abiotic stresses on the physiology of sprouting plants BIBLIOTHECA FRAGMENTA AGRONOMICA 11 57-58 2006
- Integrating membrane transport with male gametophyte development and function through transcriptomics PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 140 1151-1168 2006
- Interaction energies for the purine inhibitor roscovitine with cyclin-dependent kinase 2: Correlated ab initio quantum-chemical, DFT and empirical calculations CHEMISTRY - A EUROPEAN JOURNAL 12 [16] 4297-4304 2006
- Intranuclear accumulation of plant tubulin in response to low temperature PROTOPLASMA 227 185-196 2006