Publications list
- Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia Merkel B.J., Hasche-Berger A. (eds.), Uranium in the Environment, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-28363-8 519-524 2006
- Synthesis and biological activity of 8-azapurine and pyrazolo[4,3-d]pyrimidine analogues of myoseverin EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 41 1405-1411 2006
- Synthesis and cytotoxic activity of substituted 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolinones-7-carboxylic acids and their phenacyl esters JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 41 [4] 467-474 2006
- Synthesis, biological, immunological and anticancer properties of a new brassinosteroid ligand POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 80 [4] 629-635 2006
- Synthesis, characterization and in vitro cytotoxicity of Co(II) complexes with N6-substituted adenine derivatives: X-ray structures of 6-(4-chlorobenzylamino)purin-di-ium diperchlorate dihydrate and [Co6(μ-L6)4Cl8(DMSO)10] · 4DMSO POLYHEDRON 25 [6] 1421-1432 2006
- The bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of the narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) CELLULAR & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS 11 396-407 2006
- The BY-2 Cell Line as a Tool to Study Auxin Transport In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Tobacco BY-2 Cells: From Cellular Dynamics to Omics. Vol. 58.. Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag 58 107-117 2006
- The effect of plant cytokinin hormones on the production of ethylene, nitric oxide, and protein nitrotyrosine in ageing tobacco leaves BIOFACTORS 27 203-211 2006
- Three-dimensional reconstruction of anomalous chloroplasts in transgenic ipt tobacco PLANTA 223 659-671 2006
- Toxicity and DNA damage in tobacco and potato plants growing on soil polluted with heavy metals ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 65 [3] 420-426 2006
- Transgenic ipt tobacco overproducing cytokinins overaccumulates phenolic compounds during in vitro growth. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 44 526-534 2006
- Transgenóze rostlin In Molekulární biologie a genetika XII. Praha : Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR 77-89 2006
- Tumour suppressor PTEN regulates cell cycle and protein kinase B/Akt pathway in breast cancer cells ANTICANCER RESEARCH 26 [2A] 1015-1022 2006
- Tvorba nových šlechtitelských materiálů s geny horizontální rezistence k plísni bramboru BRAMBORÁŘSTVÍ: ODBORNÝ ČASOPIS ÚSTŘEDNÍHO BRAMBORÁŘSKÉHO SVAZU ČESKÉ REPUBLIKY 14 2-5 2006
- Využití vody v době klíčení - jedna z možných příčin rozdílu mezi laboratorní klíčivostí a polní vzcházivostí In Vliv abiotických a biotických stresorů na vlastnosti rostlin 2006. Praha : Česká zemědělská univerzita 220-224 2006
- Zinc(II) complexes with potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors derived from 6-benzylaminopurine: synthesis, characterization, X-ray structures and biological activity JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY 100 [2] 214-225 2006
- Diurnal variation of cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid levels in tobacco leaves JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 56(421) 2877-2883 2005
- 2,3-Diols versus 3,4-diols in the bean second internode In 21st Conference on Isoprenoids. Bialystok : University of Bialystok (2005) 95 2005
- 8-Azapurines as new inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases BIOORGANIC AND MEDICAL CHEMISTRY 13 [8] 5399-5407 2005
- A RhoGDP dissociation inhibitor spatially regulates growth in root hair cells NATURE 438 [7070] 1013-1016 2005