Publications list
- Condensation of rye chromatin in somatic interphase nuclei of Ph1 and ph1b wheat CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH 119 [3-4] 263-267 2007
- Cot-based cloning and sequencing of the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 53 [10] 437-441 2007
- Cytokinin function in drought stress response and subsequent recovery BIOTECHNOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE 2006 AND BEYOND 171-174 2007
- Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity as a tool in gibberellic acid/cytokinin cross talk BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 51 [3] 579-583 2007
- Cytokinin Regulation of Gene Expression in the AHP Gene Family in Arabidopsis thaliana JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 26 [3] 229-244 2007
- Cytokinins in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens: Analyses of activity, distribution, and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase overexpression reveal the role of extracellular cytokinins PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 145 [3] 786-800 2007
- Decreased amount of reducing sugars in transgenic potato tubers and its influence on yield characteristics BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 51 [1] 56-60 2007
- Determination of chemical composition of anatolian carob pod (Ceratonia siliqua L.): Sugars, amino and organic acids, minerals and phenolic compounds JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY 30 [6] 1040-1055 2007
- Development of an ELISA-based kit for the on-farm determination of progesterone in milk VETERINÁRNÍ MEDICÍNA 52 [1] 19-28 2007
- Development of SSR markers for the short arm of rye chromosome 1 VORTRÄGE FÜR PFLANZENZÜCHTUNG 71 279-281 2007
- Distribution and degradation of oostatic peptides in the flesh fly Neobellieria bullata In Biologically Active Peptides. Praha : Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR 56-59 2007
- Divergence of tandem DNA arrays in rye chromosome termini CHROMOSOME RESEARCH 15 [2] 30-31 2007
- Effect of Potato virusY on activities of antioxidant and anaplerotic enzymes in Nicotina tabacum L. transgenic plants with the gene for p3 protein. GENERAL AND APPLIED PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 33 123-140 2007
- Effective micropropagation of mature aspen: Use in breeding. ACTA HORTICULTURAE 764 239-246 2007
- Estimation of nuclear DNA content in plants using flow cytometry NATURE PROTOCOLS 2 [9] 2233-2244 2007
- Evaluation of novel microtubules interfering agents myoseverin, tubulyzine and E2GG in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS 26 [3] 173-180 2007
- Extraction of Phytoecdysones with Ethanol-Modified Supercritical CO2 In Book of Abstracts - Norhaven Book 219-220 2007
- Flow cytometric and cytogenetic analyses of Iberian Peninsula Festuca spp PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 269 [1-2] 89-105 2007
- Flow Cytometry With Plant Cells: Analysis of Genes, Chromosomes and Genomes Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. 2007