Publications list
- Senescence progression in a single darkened cotyledon depends on the light status of the other cotyledon in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) seedlings: potential involvement of cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 134 609-623 2008
- Senescence progression in a single darkened cotyledon depends on the light status of the other cotyledon in Cucurbita pepo (zucchini) seedlings: potential involvement of cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 134 609-623 2008
- Senescence-induced ectopic expression of A. tumefaciens ipt gene in wheat delays leaf senescence, increases cytokinin content, nitrate influx and nitrate reductase activity but does not affect grain yield JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 (2) 377-387 2008
- Spatial and temporal changes in endogenous cytokinins in developing pea roots PLANTA 227 1279–1289 2008
- Susceptibility of some clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus to fractions from the aerial parts of Leuzea carthamoides. BIOLOGIA 63(5) 607-609 2008
- The chromosome region including the earliness per se locus Eps-Am1 affects the duration of early developmental phases and spikelet number in diploid wheat JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 3595-3607 2008
- The genus Pinus L. ACTA PRUHONICIANA 88 1–126 2008
- The impact of trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene over-expression in tobacco on pigment content and gas exchange BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 52 49-58 2008
- The role of auxins and cytokinins in the mutualistic interaction between Arabidopsis and Piriformospora indica MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS 21 1371-1383 2008
- The role of cytokinins in responses to water deficit in tobacco plants over-expressing trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene under 35S or SAG12 promoters PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 31 341-353 2008
- The weed infestation of extensively managed grass stand JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION 21 561-564 2008
- Tobacco cells transformed with the fission yeast Spcdc25 mitotic inducer display growth and morphological characteristics as well as starch and sugar status evocable by cytokinin application PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 46 673-684 2008
- Toxic effect of nitroesters on plant tissue cultures PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 94 [3] 305-311 2008
- Transient expression of fusion gene coding for the HPV-16 epitopes fused to the sequence of potyvirus coat protein using different means of inoculation of Nicotiana benthamiana and Brassica rapa, cv. Rapa plants PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 94 261-267 2008
- Transient expression of HPV16 E7 peptide (aa 44-60) and HPV16 L2 peptide (aa 108-120) on chimeric potyvirus-like particles using Potato virus X-based vector PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 58 154-161 2008
- Trichloroacetic acid of different origin in Norway spruce needles and chloroplasts BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 52 177-180 2008
- Triplex configuration in the nick-free DNAs that constitute the chromosomal scaffolds in grasshopper spermatids. CHROMOSOMA 117(1) 15-24 2008
- Two FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) homologs in Chenopodium rubrum differ in expression patterns PLANTA 228 929-940 2008
- Vliv amonného dusíku na metabolismus rostlin AGROCHIMICA 48 3-8 2008