Diurnal variation of cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid levels in tobacco leaves
Nováková M., Motyka V., Dobrev P.I., Malbeck J., Gaudinová A., Vaňková R.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 56(421) : 2877-2883 , 2005
Keywords: Abscisic acid, auxin, cytokinin, cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase, diurnal rhythm, β-glucosidase, tobacco
Auxin influx inhibitors 1-NOA, 2-NOA, and CHPAA interfere with membrane dynamics in tobacco cells.
Laňková M., Smith R., Pešek B., Kubeš M., Zažímalová E., Petrášek J., Hoyerová K.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 63 (13) : 3589–3598 , 2010
Light can rescue auxin-dependent synchrony of cell division in a tobacco cell line.
Qiao F., Petrášek J., Nick P.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 61 : 503-510 , 2010
Keywords: auxin, light signalling, polarity
Cytokinin-induced photomorphogenesis in dark-grown Arabidopsis: a proteomic analysis
Lochmanova G, Zdrahal Z, Konecna H, Koukalova S, Malbeck J, Soucek P, Valkova M, Kiran NS, Brzobohaty BJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 : 3705-3719 , 2008
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; cytokinin; 2D electrophoresis; photomorphogenesis; proteome
A novel, cellulose synthesis inhibitory action of ancymidol impairs plant cell expansion
Hofmannova J., Schwarzerová K., Havelková, L., Boříková P., Petrášek J., Opatrný Z.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 : 3963-3974 , 2008
Keywords: ancymidol, cell expansion, cell wall, cellulose synthesis, giberellin, microtubules, vesicle trafficking
Senescence-induced ectopic expression of A. tumefaciens ipt gene in wheat delays leaf senescence, increases cytokinin content, nitrate influx and nitrate reductase activity but does not affect grain yield
Sýkorová B., Kurešová G., Daskalova S., Trčková M., Hoyerová K., Raimanová I., Motyka V., Trávníčková A., Elliott M.C., Kamínek M.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 (2) : 377-387 , 2008
Altered cytokinin metabolism affects cytokinin, auxin, and abscisic acid contents in leaves and chloroplasts, and chloroplast ultrastructure in transgenic tobacco
Polanská, Lenka; Vičánková, Anna; Nováková, Marie; Malbeck, Jiří; Dobrev, Petre; Brzobohatý, Břetislav; Vaňková, Radomíra; Macháčková, IvanaJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 58 [3] : 637-649 , 2007
Keywords: abscisic acid; auxin; chloroplast ultrastructure
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and abscisic acid during the germination of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.): a comparative study of fruits and seeds
Hermann, K.; Meinhard, J.; Dobrev, Petre; Linkies, A.; Pešek, Bedřich; Heß, B.; Macháčková, Ivana; Fischer, U.; Leubner-Metzger, G.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 58 [11] : 3047-3060 , 2007
Keywords: abscisic acid (ABA); ABA 8'-hydroxylase (CYP707A); 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)
Ectopic over-expression of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 perturbs cytokinin homeostasis in transgenic tobacco
Kiran, N.S.; Polanská, Lenka; Fohlerová, Radka; Mazura, Pavel; Válková, M.; Šmeral, M.; Zouhar, Jan; Malbeck, Jiří; Dobrev, Petre; Macháčková, Ivana; Brzobohatý, BřetislavJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 57 [4] : 985-996 , 2006
Keywords: beta-glucosidase; chloroplast; cytokinin metabolism
Cytokinins in the perianth, carpels, and developing fruit of Helleborus niger L
Tarkowski, Petr; Tarkowská, Danuše; Novák, Ondřej; Mihaljević, S.; Magnus, V.; Strnad, Miroslav; Salopek-Sondi, N.JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 57 [10] : 2237-2247 , 2006
Keywords: Christmas rose; cytokinin identification and quantification; fruit and seed development