Photosynthesis of plant regenerants. Specificity of in vitro conditions and plantlet response
Pospíšilová J., Čatský J., Solárová J., Tichá, I.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 29 : 415-421 , 1987
Klíčová slova: photosynthesis, carbon dioxide concentration, irradiance, leaf anatomy
The effect of water stress during ontogeny of primary bean leaves on the light-induced stomatal opening
Solárová J., Pospíšilová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 26 : 56-61 , 1984
Klíčová slova: stomata movement dynamics, water deficit, Phaseolus vulgaris
Ontogenetic changes in response of adaxial and abaxial epidermal conductances to water stress
Pospíšilová J., Solárová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 26 : 49-55 , 1984
Klíčová slova: young, mature and old leaves, stomatal conductance, water deficit
Responses of epidermal diffusive conductance to simultaneous changes in two factors: determination of interactions
Pospíšilová J., Solárová J., Janda J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 24 : 155-157 , 1982
Klíčová slova: mathematical modelling, interaction of two factors, stomatal conductance
Diffusive conductances of adaxial and abaxial epidermes: responses to photon flux density during development of water stress in primary bean leaves
Solárová J., Pospíšilová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 21 : 446-451 , 1979
Klíčová slova: plant ontogeny, stomatal conductance, Phaseolus vulgaris, irradiance, water deficit
Epidermal diffusive conductance as related to leaf water potential and photon flux density
Pospíšilová J., Solárová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 20 : 453-457 , 1978
Klíčová slova: adaxial and abaxial epidermis, irradiance, water stress, stomata
Carbon dioxide exchange in primary bean leaves as affected by water stress
Pospíšilová J., Tichá I., Čatský J., Solárová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 20 : 368-372 , 1978
Klíčová slova: photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, Phaseolus vulgaris, water deficit
Water relations in primary leaves of bean plants treated with polyethylene glycol solutions
Pospíšilová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 19 : 316-319 , 1977
Klíčová slova: osmoticum, water stress, Phaseolus vulgaris
Leaf conductance and gas exchange through adaxial and abaxial surfaces in water stressed primary bean leaves
Solárová J., Václavík J., Pospíšilová J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 19 : 59-64 , 1977
Klíčová slova: abaxial and adaxial epidermes, stomatal conductance, porometer, water potential
Effect of hydration level in primary bean leaves on the activity of photosystems 1 and 2 in isolated chloroplasts
Pospíšilová J., Zima J., Šesták Z.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 18 : 473-479 , 1976
Klíčová slova: Hill reaction, quantum efficiency, photochemistry,